Ashtar's Place

August 28, 1996 11:00AM

CRISTAH : Good morning Ashtar.........I send you Love and heartfelt gratitude for your presence today. Your response to these typed questions that we have assembled will help us to relay information from you to the masses of individuals here on Earth. I thank God and you for this blessing.
Before I begin, I respectfully ask that these questions be answered with truth, honesty, and clarity in love and the name of God.


CRISTAH : What can you tell us of the Mars situation ?
ASHTAR : The Mars situation is as it should be. There has been an alert placed by other extraterrestials in this solar system. Your government is concerned and is loosening its grip on the information it has. Some are feeling the tension of the wide spread Internet system and its fast movement of information. It is all as it should be .....all is happening in order. We are prepared to maintain our stance over you and the humans of earth. Our job here becomes easier when we can count on the lightworkers to spread words of love, hope and peace. Yes, you hear these words often but, they are necessary to be repeated often. They need to become part of your everyday existence. I am not suggesting that you or Jon need to be reminded of these as often. I am saying that there are those who will read this message that should keep these words as part of their daily living. Make them bold here....... How easy it is for some to take all for granted. Let this be the end of our return beginning today. Call on me at anytime for I will await you. I send you love, peace and hope for the world. Ashtar


CRISTAH : The Hale-BOPP comet that is coming April, 1997... How is the comet going to effect the human race ? Is it going to hit or land on earth ?
ASHTAR : The comet written here is on its way to earth. As we see things right now, it will be arriving in the earths atmosphere during this time. Its substance will create damage in some areas - its gases will produce toxic air pollution to a degree, as we see it now, it will effect many people. As with all that happens in the universe, it is subject to change. Energies from the vibrations of love can alter any cosmic plan.
CRISTAH : ..Is it intelligently directed ?
ASHTAR : Its intelligence comes from its energy source. It has been on this route for many eons of light years. Its function is not intended to hurt earth but earth is in its path. The work we are doing on this side will help alter the concentrated force of its impact on earth.
CRISTAH : Is it full of aliens ?
ASHTAR : No. This comet source is its own energy. You can liken it to an energy that has gone wild in the cosmos.
CRISTAH : Is it helpful or harmful for humans ?
ASHTAR : This energy will cause some to parish, if there is a direct hit on earth. It is very powerful. We on this side are working to deter it from this path. Its course will be known more directly within a few months of your earth time.


CRISTAH : What is the October Surprise the New World Order has planned for us ?
ASHTAR : It would not be a surprise if I told you ! Yes, I do not want you to get beyond yourself and take things that are still unknown too seriously. Fear can be generated so easily within humans. A little information at a time - so that it can be digested is much more palatable. Let it suffice to say right now, that it will be a good surprise. For those who believe.


CRISTAH : What can we do to prepare ourselves for the coming times or rapid change - other than meditate, pray and love one another ?
ASHTAR : Believe in our mission: God, Co-Creation and Unification of the Universe. Have trust in yourselves and believe that you are changing for the good of those in need so that you may be examples of the possibilities to achieve oneness with all. This is a great opportunity on earth for everyone. Only a few can see and when the changes begin to rapidly occur, others will be awakened. You are in a position to be leaders of the earth to help your brothers and sisters. Your trust, faith, and love has brought you to this point in time and you will be the warriors of the light to guide the way. MANY WHO SLEEP WAKE SLOWLY. MANY WHO ARE SLOW ARE WIDE AWAKE...


CRISTAH : Ashtar, can you explain the purpose of our humans being abducted, implants, and anything about a possible 'contract' humans may have made concerning this ?
ASHTAR : What has been written in most cases is true. Abductions are and have been taken place on earth. On this side we also respect the choices of our brothers from different planets. This situation with the abductions cannot be judged anymore than we can judge you. The situation with other species of beings is similar to that of the earthlings. There are some of a higher mentality and those of the lower. Right now they are stuck in their own way of thinking. It began as a salvation for them and once it began it was unstoppable. The federation recognized the need to allow the original intent, for this was to be orchestrated within boundaries. Those (humans) that had originally agreed to this project would participate. What was not considered is the human mind of recall. ( the inability) This created a situation of fear - which the Federation was not in favor of. This also created a separation of the groups of cosmic beings involved with finding a way to their Source. I understand that many of you do not realize that other groups of beings in the Universe are working on the same issues that you earthlings are. That is the Universal Mission to create the Unification of Oneness in all that is. Their entire being is unlike that of humans. And, at this time, they are able to see the advantages of being human. The abilities of earthlings to achieve mastering this mission is far greater than that of theirs. This is why it is a blessing for those of you here now and why the other beings want to be more like you in the respect that they will be able to create a permanent Ascension of oneness and complete the process. This is the goal of all intelligent life.
The beings that are doing the abductions are doing what they feel necessary to achieve that level of Ascension as earthlings will be able to do. With this type of being, it is their survival. This is also why earth is being watched so closely from the other dimensions. Everyone in the cosmos is benefiting from this exercise in humanity. Some of those that have been abducted understand what and why they were involved. Others have chosen at this time not to remember. But, they will in a very short time, and will come to understand this clearly.
Yes, implants are tracking devices, and this was necessary to do because of the awakening state of the human mind. It was the only way for these beings to work with those who agreed after their physical birth...


CRISTAH : Veil of Conscious Memory ???
ASHTAR : This process of memory was put in place to allow the experiment to take place. If humans would have instant recall of who they are and where they come from - there would be no experiment and all beings would continue to be separate. This is the plan. Those few that obtain complete memory are given this ability to further their work of the Light here on earth. Earth is being given the opportunity to help the Universe be as it was intended. It will help all beings become unified and bring the Universal Consciousness back into Co-creation where it began.


CRISTAH : Ashtar, can you tell us why the crop circles are being made throughout the world? And, who is making them ?
ASHTAR : The circles are a form of communication. Currently they are being placed as signals for other beings from the Universe. The not-so-future- intent, is for those who vibrate at other dimensions. The symbols are messages for all who understand. Earth has the best fertile area to communicate from a distance to those beings interested in the earths outcome. The beings that are creating the circles are from Sirius. Humans should not have any fear connected with these. Actually, they were created more as a gift than something to bring fear. Also, it was their way of saying we are here and with you during this time of change. Similar messages were left at different times throughout the history of life on earth.


CRISTAH : When will these beings become visible to all of us? And, will the U.S. government agree to allowing spaceships and beings land here on earth for all to see openly ?
ASHTAR : This will happen within 6 months. Yes, the U.S. government recognizes the seriousness of those of the past and is working on making things right. The culmination of many projects and concerns will be happening this year in 1996-97. The time is now and they realize that time has been wasted. Your technology is in place for this event and before this happened it would not have been possible. All events will begin unfolding - it is part of the Universal Master Plan. As you are aware, many lightworkers are needed to keep the focus on Love and Divine Light for this master plan to work for the good of the Universal Consciousness. All activities will fall into place when the masses of lightworkers are conscious of their unified focus. Therefore, an exact date and time is unknown to us. Only the Divine Source can know the date, time, place and action that will occur. I leave you in Divine Love and Light for today.....
Ashtar ended : 12:47PM

Ashtar through Cristah

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