Ashtar's Place


It is a privilege to once again address the multitude of Lightworkers who now access these pages. I AM Ashtar, and I extend to each and every one of you my blessing of Light and Love. Delight in the wisdom found within these pages and actively manifest it within your own lives.

I come forward on this occasion to assist in guiding you with regard to the testing of your faith and your commitment to Light, which each of you is presently undergoing.

This 'testing' is taking, and will continue to take, many and varied forms. Know that not all ones will be tested in the same manner; you are each drawing to you those type of tests which are most appropriate for your own particular path of learning. Above all, know that the testing of which I speak will not always present itself in an obvious and intrusive manner. It will instead generally weave itself into the fabric of your daily lives. Thus, it is most necessary that ones be calm and centred at all times, in order to know the choices available to you and in order to work with your inner guidance - your higher self - in making the choice.

At every moment during your day you are making choices; for on your planet of free will you are able to choose how you react to each situation as it presents itself, and how you manifest your own reality. Yet many of you would still often be unaware that you can choose your thoughts and your actions, and so instead you often fall back into old, conditioned patterns of behaviour, patterns which are no longer appropriate for a being who is conscious of his/her role as a Lightworker. And so I would encourage each of you to work at regular meditation as a method of cleansing and focusing the mind. Also, I would encourage ones to see meditation not as an 'exercise' which is done separate to, and aside from, the other events in your daily life, but in the end to know it as a way of seeing and relating to the world. In a meditative state one is able to see all things in a harmonious perspective and to recognise each experience to be exactly what it is ... an opportunity for learning ... where the learning arises from the making of a choice and from the experience of the situations manifested by that choice, and from reflection upon the experience.

And, just as learning involves reflection, so too does meditation involve this very same form of contemplation.

A wise soul is one who is ever aware of the learning which he/she has acquired from experiences in the past, and who, in a state of contemplation, draws upon this learning in the making of choices in the present. Aspire to this wisdom for it is accessible to all, even the youngest of souls.

Each of you who reads these pages is at that particular stage in your evolution, in the awakening of your consciousness, that you are now responsible not only for the awakening of your own soul, but for the awakening of mankind. The essence of awakening is the acknowledgment that all beings are one. And only when this essence is reflected in each of your relationships with other beings will you ascend in consciousness, you see; that is, only when you draw upon the highest energies in your relations with others, for these are the only energies which are compatible fifth dimensional reality.

And so I return to the focus of my discussion. Each of you then is aware that you are constantly making choices in order to learn and to evolve. Know though, that a test is not simply 'another choice'. It is indeed a choice, but one where one of the alternatives is a far more appropriate choice in terms of assessing the extent to which you soul and consciousness have evolved.

In general, learning can result from whatever choice it is that your have made - yes or no, good or bad, right or wrong, up or down, left or right - for each choice provides experience. But in the case of a test, the nature of the choice is vitally important, as are the actions which follow-up the choice, for even if an enlightened choice is made, the test is not passed unless the actions manifest the choice. Thus, even though those ones among you who have chosen to work consciously for the Light have made an admirable choice, yet the true test is whether your actions bear testimony to your choice.

And I would have you know that I am not your judge. I am not the God spark within you ... I am merely the messenger. Act out of Love, not to be praised nor to look to a God who will award you a great medal, but simply in order to evolve in Light and to come to know a greater and more beautiful reality for Mother Earth.

I have mentioned that the tests would take many forms. And indeed in each instance, the darkness is being allowed to play its role of tempting you. For some, the darkness will simply shroud you with a heavy mantle of sleep, tempting you to laziness, increasingly taking you away from vital moments of Lightwork by encouraging you to feel that you lack the energy necessary to accomplish your Light tasks.

For others, there will be a test of your ability to protect yourself from darkness, for if you are one who would choose to channel the Light to others for their benefit, it is necessary that you are ever aware that you will also attract darkness which would most readily work through you since you have the role of 'influencing' others, or, in the very least, it will attempt to block your work with the Light. Know that the darkness will not always present itself to you as a demon who would speak, but more commonly it will feed your ego and encourage you to wallow in your own self-importance. Know this ... that if ever you would catch yourself making a statement where you rate yourself as more important than another, that you are not at that moment channelling Light, and that it is necessary for you to retract that judgement.

Do not hate or fear the darkness. We who are Lightworkers know no enemies, other than fear. The ego thrives upon your fears - fear of not having enough money, fear of not being sufficiently attractive or acceptable, fear of not being needed and loved. Whilst ever you look outside of yourself to have these needs met by those around you, then you fail to acknowledge that the source of each is within - security, beauty/radiance, purpose/acceptance, Love - all are to be found within...

Darkness is not in itself an evil. It fulfills a necessary function in a free will world, allowing you to be tempted, and to evolve by either overcoming the temptation, or learning from the experience of succumbing. And thus it is necessary that each of you have encounters with darkness in whatever form it will take. Now that the energy grid of Light about the earth is being aligned, completed and anchored, the darkness is most unwilling to give up its powerful role, and thus will relentlessly target all beacons of Light in an effort to win more souls away from learning and away from a desire to share their Loving energies with others.

Prepare yourself for your testing by living constantly in a spirit of Love and service. Protect yourselves regularly with the Light. And whilst it is necessary that you allow yourself to experience all emotions, do not wallow in those emotions which make you feel that you have a weight within your heart. Surrender these emotions and return yourself to a meditative (peaceful and contemplative) state of mind. In this manner you will be best equipped to receive and channel only Love.

My message is for all who would read of these pages, who would hear me speak within their inner being, and who would sit within the meditation circles as 'listeners'. Use your discretion, your inner guidance, to evaluate the truth of the thoughts that are presented to you, whether these thoughts be presented within these pages, within your own mind, or by a channel within the meditation circle; for you too, like the channel, will be tested! Do not sit passively within the meditation circle simply soaking up all the thoughts, but be active in receiving the energies and ideas with an open heart, and know whether the ideas sit easily in your heart.

Each of you will be tested in this manner, for you must ultimately each be responsible for your own learning, your own acceptance of truths, your own evolution. You see we cannot provide you with the information within these pages and within your meditation circles unless you accept responsibility for learning. Before entering this lifetime you chose to have conscious access to this information, and were aware of the great responsibility that this access entailed. Now you must also accept and pass the tests of this responsibility if you are to be entrusted with communicating it to the world.

I am most concerned that some among you seem to have the impression that I no longer inhabit this plane of existence. In handing my commanding role over to Lord Monka, I have indeed been freed to undertake projects in other parts of the cosmos, and my responsibilities are many. But know this ... whilst ever there are ones upon and about the Earth, who would work in my name calling upon the vibration of my energies, that my 'self' is there with you. It is cosmic law that when one would use the vibration of a name, particularly of ones in the etheric, that you draw to you the particular energies of that being. It is for this reason that we so readily address you with our names and identify ourselves after first acknowledging the existence of the I AM presence. For only beings of the Light can truly address you in this manner.

We in the etheric would indeed all be with you at all times, except that it is cosmic law that you must desire it to be so by calling upon us.

Only when all projects begun by the Ashtar Command have been successfully completed, will I have reason, or desire, to 'move on'. Likewise, when the earth and its inhabitants ascend, and the role performed by dearest Lord Sananda, as the medium of Christ consciousness, is complete upon the third dimensional Earth, will he be free to focus his energies elsewhere in the cosmos; and only then will his place in the seat of Christ consciousness be filled by dearest Lord Maitreya. Just as your Earth and its beings will ascend and continue their evolution on a higher plane, so too will we move into a further evolution in our learning. But, at present, we are committed to you; your en-light-enment is our primary purpose, and we are with you now.

I close by sending my heartfelt thanks to those meditation groups, individuals and this publication which work so diligently in the name of the Ashtar Command. I also present a warning . Know that you very ones who come together so Lovingly in my name will receive some of the most gruelling tests of all, for you have chosen to be my beacons of Light and Love, standing firm amidst the darkness.

There will be a barrage of attack against the name of Ashtar, for the darkness will truly attempt to sabotage this name in order to plant fear in the minds of many. Thus, I implore you, in the name of Love and Light, have nothing to do with any idea or action which is not generated by Light. Distance yourself for instance from concepts such as 'ascension water diets', from any group which bears an 'us and them' attitude (i.e., setting itself up as being 'above' others), and from any type of channelled information which would seem counter to your Loving instincts. Already, there are many dear souls upon the Earth who, because of disinformation, fear this name. Do not doubt that the darkness will breed suspicion and fear even amongst Lightworkers !

Allow no room for the darkness to work upon or within you as it is attempting to do at present, for it will be such a great test when the darkness attacks the name of Ashtar that ones cannot allow themselves to be weakened beforehand. Function as anchors of Love and Light in the world ... these will be your weapons. Know that others will judge the Ashtar Command according to your actions; live a life of Love and service and you will not fail any test.

The Ashtar Command is no cult, it is no religion, it has no rules ... only responsibilities. Be responsible for Loving yourself and for sharing your Light with others in your daily lives. Know truly that you will be tested, for many of you are moving into mastery. You all have free will, and it is up to you to each discipline yourselves spiritually and to make appropriate choices as a result of your spiritual awareness and discipline.

Look forward to the tests for they present you with the steps to a higher life. Experience is the staircase - let Love and Light guide you forward and let not fear and self-righteousness halt your progress. Perhaps it would be appropriate to see yourself as moving forward rather than upward, for there is no 'ladder of status' here. Our titles of Master or Lord denote not importance, but responsibility. Do not worship us. We are not your masters any more than you are to be masters over each other. We are simply masters of the Light, and this is what lies ahead for each of you. Call my name and I will be there to strenghten your Light. Above all, be responsible for your choices, for your actions, and for your learning.

I AM Ashtar of the light of Christ consciousness.
I am your most humble servant.
I am with you now.

Received through Jacqueline (Andromeda Rex)

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