Ashtar's Place


This information has been verified by Toltec, a highly experienced channel.

Soltec : How is this voyage to the Lightships different from one's normal journeys in meditation, etherically ?
Ashtar : It is vastly different. It is a transferal process as it was five years ago. There will be a transference of one's vibration, not one's literal body, but one's vibration, and that is important to remember. The physical vehicle IS vibration. As you know, you are yourselves the essence of Unconditional Love slowed down to the molecular vibration of flesh and blood - the physical.

We are taking this same vibration, your vibration, and transferring it to upon our ships. Our ships will be vibrating at a slightly lower level than usual in order to accommodate your vibration.Your vibration is going to be reassembled onto the ships and will take the form of a physical manifestation, but a manifestation that is at higher vibratory rate, as in keeping with the vibration of the ships. In order to speed up your vibration you need to go into a deep meditation in order to surrender the mind so that it can relinquish its control over your molecular vehicle, allowing your Higher Aspect, and us, to transfer, molecule by molecule, your vibration onto the ships.

There is the difference. When you travel etherically, your consciousness jettisons from your physical vehicle into your Higher Aspect and merges with it, and from there journeys. However, this time, we are taking your physical body onboard and it is into this physical body, altered by the higher vibrations yet cocooned in the space/time vacuum of the ships, that you shall jettison your consciousness into. This means that instead of leaving your body and visiting the higher realms through the vehicle of your Higher Self, you actually go independently of your Higher Self as the 3D personality that you presently are. Recall of etheric journeys taken usually are remembered, filtered and interpreted by your Higher Self. In this instance, your recall will be your own three dimensional self's experience and interpretation of events.
Soltec : What is the actual science of this transference ?
Ashtar : We will be taking a facsimile, a copy if you will, of your vibration as it is manifest in physical form, molecule by molecule and reassembly it onto the ships of Light as a second third dimensional being. So then, you will be jettisoning or projecting, your consciousness from one third dimensional vehicle/being into another third dimensional vehicle/being, though modified by the higher vibration. So you are going "out of body" in order to go into another body. This is so, because you cannot take your physical body you presently inhabit with you as it would create a vacuum in the dimensional fabric of your life. Plus, your body is not yet capable of physically raising its vibration to the extent that you are able to transcend time and space. However, creating a facsimile of your body allows you the opportunity of experiencing the Lightships in a three dimensional vehicle and consciousness, through the safety of transferring you consciousness from one form to another. Because both your actual physical body and its copy are sealed in their respective dimensions, they are then cocooned from any trauma. The only way, then, to bring the remembrances of the Voyage into the third dimensional patterning of your Earth body is through Conscious Recall. It's like loading a disk of memories into your body computer.
Soltec : So then, the Voyage is a physical one of sorts and as such is a special, and unusual occasion, but one's body does stay behind on the Earth plane, and a new body is occupied instead. What happens to the clone of ourselves when we have finished ?
Ashtar : Through Conscious Recall you merge the experiences of the two molecular structures, thus benefiting from a ghosting of the tremendous vibration found on the ships, and also altering your physical patterning forever. That is why it is important to prepare the physical form. However, an imprint of your molecular structure remains upon the ships within the space/time vacuum and you are free to "occupy" it whenever you desire. Well, I hope this clarifies the nature of the actual "lifting" for everyone.

Channeled by Commander Soltec.

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