Ashtar's Place


Good evening beloved ones, this is Ashtar.

Good evening.

It is lovely to be with you again. A smaller group than normal this evening, I see, but that is fine.

At this time there are individuals coming through to talk to you about the concept of energy and service, and I will say a little on this matter, but there will be another who will speak to you, a little later on, who will have more to say about Service.

There is no higher activity in which one can be involved, than in Service for the Source. Ultimately, when all beings awaken they will realise that that is why they are here. For even those beings who have refused to awaken at all at this time, are still in Service to the Source; for they are here having a physical experience for the Source. This is why they came here in the first place. This is the nature of incarnation on the Earth plane, but as you are aware, my beloved ones, you are Spirit having a human experience for the Source. Some people may ask, "Well, if that's the case, what's in it for me?" What's in it for you is, that in your evolvement there are certain things that one needs to do in order to complete the spiritual experience that is life itself.

The Buddhists refer to this agenda as the Karmic Wheel. It doesn't matter what you call it, but it is important to know that it needs to be worked through. All this learning, progress, whatever you want to call it, can occur in Spirit, but some of it is better achieved here on the Earth plane... in the third dimension. And that is why so many beings have chosen to incarnate here at this time. You see, to undertake this work in the realm of limitation that is the third dimension means that if you can achieve these goals in this environment, then you do the work much more quickly than you would in Spirit. So that's the trade-off for you. The trade-off for the Source is, of course, that the Source has another human experience to draw from and, hence, Knows itself a little better.

But everything in the cosmos is Service. The cosmos itself is Service. Because the cosmos, the All That Is, is there because the Creator... the Source, wished it to be. So the All That Is is in Service to the Creator. It is manifesting what the Creator chose to have manifest. And this is at the heart of service. It doesn't mean that it is a matter of doing something for someone. It is a matter of being. So when someone asks you to do something for them well, that can be a type of service - that's service as it is understood on the third dimensional plane - but for people who are interested in the higher realms, the nature of Service is not being asked to do anything, it is just being. It is the understanding that you are what you are that is the Service. It is the understanding that every moment you spend on this Earth plane, you spend in God - that is the Service.

Some people would say, "But I don't get it - just sitting around, that's service? What are you talking about?" Well, it's not just sitting around. It's a matter of self-realisation. It is a matter of advancing oneself through mastery of one's own being that ultimately raises the vibration of the cosmos itself, because the cosmos is a reflection of the Source. You are a reflection of the Source, so that by you increasing your vibration serves to help raise the vibration of the planet and raise the vibration of the very cosmos itself. This is the Service. The Service is being available, being able to channel the Source, allowing these things to happen.

Sometimes, there is a fine line between doing and allowing. But you need to understand the difference. Going out and doing something is something that has your small self attached to it; by just being and understanding that you are an aspect of the Creator, and that you have committed your life to the Creator, and that you have given up your free will, and that you have given it over to the Source to determine what will happen in your life, then you are making yourself available for Service. Highest wisdom will determine in what form that will be, of course.

You will be noticing, already, that since you have given over your life for the Creator, Almighty Mother/Father God I Am, to choose in highest wisdom what is to happen for you each day, that the things that are happening for you are more exciting than they were before. That life is more interesting, that life is full of joy, that your heart sings all the time and that you no longer find the need to worry about things or have struggle in your lives; because you understand the perfection that is played out every day. This is being of the highest Service that you can, because you have given yourself over to Mother/Father God I Am. In doing this you have become like a leaf in the wind that is God, to be swept along at whatever whim the Creator decides, but by surrendering, and going with flow of the cosmos and the energy that drives it, you are accepting that everything will be taken care of for you; and it is, for that is the reality that you have chosen.

If you were to still fight it, if you still choose struggle, you will ultimately get blown along by the energy of the cosmos, anyway. It's just that you will feel that what was meant for you in this lifetime, has not occurred. You will not see that you are in Service. You will not see the Service of the cosmos itself, because you will be too busy caught up fighting the energy that drives the All That Is. People who do this are sometimes referred to as "control freaks".

The thing is, that if one wants to maintain control of one's life, one has to get one's highest wisdom from somewhere in order to know what to do. Well, the ego's not capable of giving you much information in that area - it will give you some. Your higher self is usually so far away when you are in that place that it is a little hard to get in touch with, and your I Am is even further away. People who are desperate to maintain control are unlikely to listen often to their intuition because their logical mind is more likely to tell them what the risks are, or what is 'likely to happen' - if you see what I mean. The logical mind will always want to offer you the safe alternative. The logical mind will tell you to wear a belt and braces each day because that will minimise the chance of your trousers falling down. Your intuition might say "Well it doesn't matter. What's to fear?". But someone who is into maintaining control will listen to their logical mind every time. When one is in that place it is very difficult to be in Service. It is very difficult to be of service to oneself, let alone the All That Is.

So, at the heart of service is surrender and trust. Two words you have heard a lot of recently and, I dare say, you will hear them again. Surrender and trust is everything; everything, my dear ones. For without surrender and trust what else can there be? It has to be struggle. Things are moving along at such a rate now that if you are not surrendering and trusting, you have to have struggle in your lives.

The nature of each individual's Earth mission is what you all expect will be the nature of the Service that you are to provide. Well, it can be limiting to think of it that way. 'Earth mission' is a nice phrase. Very handy for describing what one perceives one should be doing; but that's the point, isn't it? 'Earth mission' is about doing - well, there are some things that you will need to do, but ultimately if you are to be of Service to the Source then your Earth mission is no mission at all. Well, not from a predetermined point anyway. To be in Service is to forget the concept of 'Earth mission' and to just understand that your intuition will tell you how best to make yourself available.

As I say, another energy will come and speak to you this evening about the concept of Service, in more detail. I have chosen to speak to you first to prepare you by unpreparing you; to give that entity a chance of being heard, by me speaking to you first about not having a concept. Because everything that is, is also its own opposite. Just as you think you have a handle on something, you realise it has no handles. Just when you think it's appropriate to start thinking of things in terms of being in this category or that category, someone will come along and tell you that there aren't any categories. Well, the reason we're doing this so much, is to get you to that point where you can just surrender and trust and not feel the need for the safety of a pre-determined position.

If you have any answers that you'd like to give me about the questions that I'd like you to ask, I'm happy to hear them.

Well, I was going to say that, to find your service is to follow your bliss.

Yes. Thank you for the answer.

Thank you for the question.

Your heart is open, for you have understood well what I have said. If your heart sings then you are on your path. Then you are available for Service because you are attuned to whatever the cosmos asks of you. If your heart is heavy with small matters, then you can't even hear the call when it comes, let alone be attuned to being available. Follow your bliss. For that is the best way to prepare yourself for Service. That is the Service.

I have a question. It's about some little kids. Whenever I go to see them, they really enjoy me being there. Could you expand on that ?

You are carrying the Light of the Source in your heart. Because you are also following your bliss, the Light of the Source shines strongly in you. While others don't perceive it with their eyes, they perceive it with their hearts. So when you appear in their company, they are thrilled that you are there because, what they feel is an aspect of God. Their logical minds will not interpret that feeling as being that, but their subconscious knows that that's what it is.

So because you are in service and because you have given your life over to the Creator, when you move among other people your Light shines out brightly and others can not help but notice. Even when they are "asleep", as we say, they like you being there because they get a good feeling by being in your company. This helps their vibrational frequency rise a little ; their own energy lifts a little. They feel all the better for you being with them. Even small children will feel this.

Ashtar, we have many Jehova's Witnesses that come to visit us, to let us know of their belief structure. I've been feeling lately that they've been coming, too, because they like our Light. Is this a truth ?

Yes, it is.

They don't understand what we try and talk to them about, but they seem to want to come back.

A lot of time will be taken up with different energies trying to understand the energies of the other, but the most important thing is that you allow your Light to shine out. This will be the thing that helps people the most. This will be what brings them here. Do not forget that these people, too, have an awareness that they are of God. They perceive that energy somewhat differently than you do, and they may choose to find other ways in which to manifest that; but subconsciously they understand that the Light is strong here, and in other places where you live and, yes, that has a lot to do with why they keep coming back.

I seem to perceive a confusion for them, too, sometimes.

Are you clear ?

Yes, I feel clear. I feel their confusion in terms of... they can feel our Light, but they don't understand.

Then that is their business. Offer your Love and your Light. That will help their confusion. It may be that their confusion needs to heighten before they can better understand it. But again, I say to you, that is their stuff.

It has been wonderful being with you again. You will notice that I am starting to talk to you about concepts that are a little more difficult to understand than those that I spoke to you of, earlier. Your own development at this time and the development of what is happening around you is such that we need to stretch you a little. That we need to align the channel between your head and your heart, so that you all have a greater understanding of highest wisdom, and a greater understanding of your own path. I look forward to talking to you again soon. And it is always a delight to be among such beings who hold the Light so strongly in their hearts. And, until we talk again, I bid you farewell.

7th June 1995
Through Jaraya

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