Ashtar's Place


Truly, there has been written information about the coming of the second sun into the solar system as you know it - and this has caused some consternation as ones have been told that the second sun will augur the cataclysmic events which are to accompany earth's final stages of ascension. Well, I wish to allay fear. I would hope you would view the second sun as a sign of triumph, for truly this second sun will set in motion the perfect balance which will be achieved after full ascension.

The return of the Star of Bethlehem into your skies is significant as a symbolic arrival of the second sun. And this second sun (as is the Star of Bethlehem) is symbolic of the second coming of the Christ energies. Certainly, the ascension process is to be a smooth one, yet the days of birth can be a painful one - although short-lived.

Truly, may lightships are amassing around your skies in an etheric capacity. Many look forward to this birth with joyous anticipation. Much attention is focussed on earth and many are keen to witness this special event.

The second sun will pull the planet from its curved axis back into perfect alignment with the sun. Of course, there must be readjustment on the surface of the planet for such a shift. Truly, all will be overwhelmed and then Time will stop. Great celebration will occur and an all-pervading peace will settle over Mother Earth. She will be once more the Paradise.

So dear ones, the second sun is to be the instrument of the final shift from third to fifth dimensional reality. It will appear quite suddenly and baffle your scientists. Truly then, the hearts of many will soar - faith will be validated and true reality within your grasp.

Adonai from all of the Command.


Received through Toltec

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