Ashtar's Place


Greetings my friends and comrades,

It is I, Ashtar, speaking. With me I have Sananda, Lord Michael, Korton, and the Master you have known as Hermes. Throughout this transmission, we will speak as One, as well as through our individual aspects.

Before we begin, we want to thank you for the great body of work that is being accomplished and bow in honor before you. You of the Light, now in physical form, are the ones who must stand tall against the dark forces, and through your Light Reflection displace the hold over your planet. We will always be behind you with our support, but it is the embodied ones who must challenge the darkness with the Light on YOUR level of vibration. You must learn the power of the Light, the power of Invocation and Intent, and your identity with the Christ Forces of Love in all dimensions. You may invoke the presence of the Lord Michael, but having done so, it is NOW your responsibility to discern, dispose and disperse the presence of darkness around you, for this is your battleground, your arena of challenge. It is where YOUR VICTORY must be won. Lord Michael is there to assist you, not to do the work for you.

So much information has come through since the great measuring of vibration which you called harmonic convergence, that we have chosen to repeat much of the information that has come through in our messages in prior transmissions. So, we begin with a brief history of the Ashtar Command, and its role in the Great Quickening of your beloved planet Shan (Earth, Gaia or Terra as you refer to her).

Through Korton :

Ashtar is head commander of the Command known as Ashtar, appointed to this position through Sananda, and the Radiant One. Normally, the Ashtar Command patrols your solar system and is in charge of its protection. We are all part of the great multiverse of Creation. All help one another. Therefore, though the Command's normal territory is your solar system, for the Shan or Terra Project, the Ashtar Command is in charge of coordinating the many fleets as they touch into the mission to planet Earth. This includes the Galactic Federations of other galaxies and the Intergalactic Federations of inter dimensional universes. All, are under command of Ashtar, for this particular project of the Radiant One. For this project has caught the attention of ALL OF CREATION, and many have come near and far to be witness to this event.

This mission is immense. It involves millions and millions of souls, within the Intergalactic Fleets or in embodiment. Commander Ashtar is the local Administrator of that broad program. He is Protector and Defender, Advisor and Administrator. He is a protector of humanity and of the fate of your planet as well as your entire solar system. He is not an embodiment of an archangel, but works hand in hand with Lord Michael and has oft times been referred to as a herald angel. Ashtar is an etheric being, and has not been physically embodied on your planet. Though, he has visited those of the Light, embodied on your planet, who have the ability to see him in his ethereal form. His honesty, integrity, loyalty and commitment to the Supreme Commander in Chief, Sananda, and to the Radiant One is unsurpassed.

Ashtar's home planet is the planet you call Venus. There is life on all of the planets within your solar system, but within different bandwidths of energy, or dimensional borders, than what you of planet Earth exist within, at this current moment of NOW. Know that Ashtar is in charge of overseeing the creative direction of the Radiant One, through the guidance of Sananda.
************end Korton transmission.

Many times we have spoken to you of the importance of activating your Light Channel continuously, and anchoring your LIGHT and LOVE into the planet. This is the single most important job that you, as an embodied being can do for the Radiant One and for ALL of CREATION. The situation on your planet is, as it is, because of its lack of LIGHT. As you increase the LIGHT QUOTIENT of yourself and your planet, you decrease the ability to be controlled by the dark ones who had banished the Light on Earth eons ago. The battle of Armageddon is within, as it is without. Your job is to face not only those qualities that you love about yourself, but especially those qualities that you do not like or consider negative within yourself. Your job is to understand that WE are ALL WORKING TOGETHER and to allow only respect, honor, loyalty and love for all of the embodied ones of Light. If one perceives or envisions slightly different from you, it is YOUR JOB to honor your brother or sister's view point, not to attack them or insist that you are right. We all have different areas of expertise, and what one can see, another does not. It is time to practice and live the art of ALLOWING.

Many times, what you perceive as darkness or blackness is simply that way because YOU do not yet have the ability to see into those areas of perception. The great VOIDS, sometimes called black holes, are actually areas of creation where in there is nothing, thus allowing new archetypes or laws of physics to be created, new paradigms, new visions of collective reality. It is where the creator gods and goddesses go who dream into creation new worlds of experience, for ALL THAT IS.

It is time to remind you, who are embodied as earthbound commanders, that many of you are wearing your human body too closely, and have caught yourselves up in lower density ego. You have forgotten that ALL JOBS are important, and though no one is any better than another, some have stronger skills than your own, and their vision is from a much larger perspective, in this particular moment of NOW. Some have been given posts of authority by Sananda himself, or by myself, and it is your job to follow their lead. Just like the Intergalactic Federation, whose fleet of ships may be grander than those of the Ashtar Command, must follow my lead as Commander on this mission. As we, of the Hierarchy are to humans, so there are those beyond us, who are a part of a greater (in energy frequency) Hierarchal system. And so on, in the never ending spiral of the multiverse.

Anything, or anyone, which deliberately hurts or hinders another individual is evil, and when it is willfully and maliciously designed to do so is even MORE so. So hesitate not, to take your stand against evil on inner levels of challenge, and stand, with Lord Michael overseeing, and hold the LIGHT of GOD over every intrusion of the fallen ones. I, Ashtar count on you to uphold the mission. Anyone who is not supportive of unity within the Command or who personally attacks our Officer's and Ground Crew, or in any way belittles our mission is not a part of this mission or Command, and are serving someone other than the Radiant One, Creator of ALL THAT IS. It is time dear ones to remember who you are. It is time for you to merge more with your higher soul or god selves, for then your LIGHT becomes a BEACON magnified to the power of one thousand fold.

In Honor and Love,
Ashtar as One,
with Sananda, Lord Michael, Korton and Hermes

February 24, 2001
Transmitted through Alora Sky

This transmission is given for your discernment. May you find value within it, that will assist you on your journey.

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